Eichin's Friendly Chat blog
A Blog Revolving around Personal Growth
and Relationship Enrichment

Why should you subscribe to Eichin's Friendly Chat blog?

I understand we are living in a multi-dimensional life and wearing multiple hats.

Every day, we're striving to do our best jobs in whatever roles we play. We also want to be upbeat in interacting with our family, friends, acquaintances, or even strangers. All these can be overwhelming and exhausting.

In addition, frequently, the news out there are disturbing and draining. We lose hearts at times.

The truth is you are not alone!

I play the role of being a daughter, wife, and mother. I have been a doctor of optometry for over thirty years and have double master's degrees in microbiology and psychology. I have also experienced many life's ups and downs.

As a passionate multi-award-winning author, I would like to periodically share valuable personal growth and relationship enrichment content with you.

Eichin's Friendly Chat blog is written in an intimate conversational style, as chatting with a dear friend over a cup of delicious roasted hazelnut cappuccino or florally fragrant green tea.

I sincerely invite you to join me in this fulfilling journey.

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